Sunburst Little White Lies



Gossip has been shown very limited. I really started showing her late 2024. She has both her majors and a few singles. We are hoping to have a CH in front of her name in 2025.


Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents
GCH Beach Bum M’m M’m Good GCH Tevershall Dreamboat GCH Berridales Dreaming Of Gold
CH Tevershall Anarchist
CH Beach Bum Faerytails Classy Chassis GCH Marquell Mr Versace
CH Beach Bum Everlasting Faerytail
CH Sunburst Dirty Little Secret GCHB Brandilyn Ashwind Hit Me Again CH Northworth Vail Of Honour
GCH Ashwinds Raise Your Glass
GCHG Sunburst Mayfair Heirloom Diamond CH Pathfinder Wild Blue Yonder
CH Mayfair Sunburst Timeless